Wednesday, June 28, 2017

As I mentioned in my last post my greatest fear and anxiety came from sickness.  Fear and anxiety were beginning to make my digestion sick.  So, as God helped me overcome these peace takers He led me in gaining knowledge of how to stay healthy. 

The area I want to share with you today is "Nutrition."  You may be familiar with Hippocrates', the father of modern medicine, famous quote, "Let food be thy medicine."  Eat food that promotes health and avoid food that will take it away.

In the Old Testament God gave the Israelites food laws.  Now, I know we are not under law but grace. God, whom made our bodies, knows the ins and outs of taking care of them.  I, being a Christian, need to feed this temple of the Holy Spirit health promoting foods not health taking.   So, instead of choosing food made in a lab I choose to eat food closest to how God made it.

In order to maintain a healthy body I focus on feeding my family a whole food diet which includes:  clean meat (clean meaning organic grassfed without antibiotics and hormones), organic vegetables, healthy fats, organic whole fat dairy, soaked nuts, legumes and grains, organic bone broth and fermented food.  We recently moved 17 hours across country!  Finding some of these foods have been challenging in our new location.  I will keep digging until I find all that we need!!  If you are having trouble finding organic food check out your local farmers market.  If a farmer has organic they usually have a sign  advertising it. Check the website,  do a google search for local organic farms. You can usually buy organic grass-fed beef in bulk, organic grass-fed milk and vegetables from the farm.  If this doesn't get you anywhere visit they have local chapters of volunteers who can help you find organic and whole fat products.  And if none of the above pan out for you visit online grocery stores like thrive, azure, or Amazon.

To eat whole food meals I have to plan ahead.  I buy bulk staples of grains and soak 8 hours in water and apple cider vinegar "with the mother".  This reduces phytic acids breaking down the hard coating that make them difficult to digest and cause cavaties.  I don't always chop everything in advance but in the past my kids have enjoyed helping me with this chore.  Win, Win they learn knife skills and I get help in the kitchen.
My boys helping chop veggies.  Note the focused faces!

This week I'd like to share a week's worth of Breakfast meals. 

Soaked oatmeal with butter sweetened with honey or maple syrup.  Add blueberries or any kind of fruit

Blueberry Muffins-combine 3 eggs, 1/2 cup melted coconut oil, 1/2 cup honey & 1/2 tsp sea salt.  Add 1/2 cup coconut flour & 3/4 tsp baking powder.  let it thicken for 5 minutes.  Add blueberries.  Bake 325 for 15-20 minutes. ("Maker's Diet Meals" by Jordan Rubin w/Josh Axe & Deb Williams)
Morning Smoothie-blueberries, half a cucumber, 1 or 2 bananas, half of an avacodo, 1 cup of organic spinach and cold water, yogurt to taste

Frittata-sauté onion,  mushroom, zucchini and carrot, until tender.   Add 6 scrambled eggs, garlic powder, salt & pepper to taste.  cook with lid on til done.  top with grassfed cheddar.  serve with sauerkraut.

Yogurt Fruit Cup-Organic unsweetened yogurt, sweeten with honey or maple syrup, add your favorite fruit & organic granola

Buckwheat Porridge-soak groats overnight, rinse, add water above buckwheat & cook on medium 15-20 minutes.  Use emulsion blender to make smooth.  Add 1/2 coconut milk, honey or maple syrup & your favorite fruit.  It also tastes great with unsweetened cocoa powder. ("The Art of Eating Well" Hemsley Hemsley)

Quinoa Egg Cups- mix 1 to 1 1/2 cups of soaked cooked quinoa with 6 uncooked scrambled eggs, garlic powder, grass fed cheddar, 1 cup of steamed broccoli, 1 cup of cooked organic sausage.  Place in muffin pan & cook 20-25 minutes.

Please share what's your favorite whole food breakfast. 

Check back soon as I share a week's worth of dinner meals!  

Tip:  Buying whole foods can be more expensive.  If you have to, start slow.  Replace a few items each week with clean food until your pantry is stocked.  Go in partners with someone and buy that half a cow.  And finally, pray for wisdom to know how and what to eat.  If you ask, God will give you the wisdom you need.

DISCLAIMER:  Any information in this blog is not intended to diagnose, treat or heal any illness.  Seek a medical expert for any health concern.  I have no affiliation with any site or person I have recommended.